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Artist Books are a wonderfully diverse genre and my work is much the same. I'm fascinated by structures and boxes, both traditional and invented. Most of the books included here have some unique sculptural or spacial element to them.

Broadsides, Books, and Handmade Paper

Handmade Paper | Mutualistic Tapestries

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Handmade Paper | Mutualistic Tapestries


Mutualistic Tapestries
Over-Beaten Abaca Handmade Paper with Lichen Lettering
5.5” x 40”
Series of 6

The pieces delve into the sumptuous colors and textures of moss that grace the surfaces of natural objects. The tactile quality of moss-covered surfaces, along with the vibrant hues examined by the writer and naturalist John Ruskin, served as a profound inspiration during my research for another artist's book. My intent was to craft a piece that not only captures the essence of moss but also intertwines it with poetic phrases that vividly depict its character.

Mutualistic - a relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the association.

These handmade paper pieces (the series of 6 pieces) were created using a custom decklebox 40” x 6” with abaca fiber, which was fermented and air dried. Typography was mono-printed with rubber base ink on a letterpress and laser cut from a digital design.

The paper is wall mounted but can be float framed for an additional cost.

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